August 15, 2007 - The Ireland Trip
Left Home on 8/14 on British, Carol, Katie, Molly, Dennis, Sherri, and Kelsie.
Our first two nights in Ireland were at the Carton House Hotel, originally an estate built by the
Fitzgerald family in the 17th century. After extensive renovation and expansion, Carton House,
with golf course, was opened to the public as a hotel in 2005.
Carton House and extensive gardens.
Boat house at Carton House - reportedly built for Queen Victoria when she visited.
Gardens and golf course beyond.
Some of many majestic and very old trees on Carton House property.
Molly got a chance for an equestrian lesson while at Carton House.
Dublin Castle...still in use as a principal government building.
One of many elaborate chandeliers in Dublin Castle.
This picture was a source of much discussion. Carol and I have a steel engraving
of this painting. I think it's wonderful and it should hang in a prominent place at
home. Carol hates it (as do Katie & Molly) and thinks it should hang in a midden! I will always
cherish the fact that this painting is considered a masterpiece and hangs in Dublin Castle! And I won't
let the less artistically appreciative members of my family forget it!
Us in the courtyard at Dublin Castle.
Oscar Wilde...the house he was raised in is across the sreet.
Our 47 feet long it was a challenge for Joe, our driver, on the narrow roads and streets in Ireland.
Had to take a picture of this store in Dublin.
We were given a tour, dinner, Irish music, and samples at the Jameson Distillery.
Before the "shindig" at Jameson's.
The Irish dancers dragged Molly onto the stage for a fling - she did pretty well.