The SCAS WSP of 2010 was another great star party! I got a few images of objects I've always
wanted to capture. They're not great since there was a lot of haze on the horizon and I wasn't
able to autoguide - the exposures were short and many had to be discarded. I also forgot to take flats so the focal
reducer effects are obvious. All images were binned 2 using an SBIG STL-11000 with the scope
being a Celestron 9.25 SCT @ f/6.3 on a Celestron CGE Pro mount.
Images are reduced 25% to fit screen.
Centaurus A - NGC 5128 (the 2 squiggles are presumably cosmic ray hits)
The Horsehead (
IC 434
) and Flame Nebula (
NGC 2024)
Running Man Nebula (
NGC 1977) and Orion Nebula (M42)
The Rosette Nebula (
NGC 2237)
Thor's Helmet
(NGC 2359)
Omega Centauri ( NGC 5139) - everything possible is wrong with this image - it doesn't do the object justice, but I did see it!